Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sept 2, 2012
Full Moon.  

Reflecting yesterday on how easy it really is to connect with love, peace, and joy within.  All it takes is a surrender to that which is, and a willingness to get out of the way - to stop all the complication.  We believe this awakening must be difficult - that we must work toward it, that there is something special we must do to attain it.
This is not the case.  The awakening is already in the now of you in this moment.  It is seen and felt when you finally relax, surrender and rest in that which is, that which you are and that which can never be far from you . 
I love that.  Our mind/ego wants to make it difficult to keep it at bay, but it is that easy.  That simple, as simple as a letting go.  
This is the moment now, now now. The moment of trust - nothing else is needed.  It’s too easy - that cannot be it - we question, doubt, wring our hands and brains - try to think our way out or into it, but still - it is there still waiting patiently lovingly for our return again and again.  
Plans don’t matter in this now - only love. trying to do be change, set up, or otherwise tweak any situation or person is stepping outside this now. 
When love guides, you do - when love comes back to itself, it can only feel joy and celebration is the only way - thanks be - hallelujah, heishka siem.  

1 comment:

  1. Samara:
    I love the voice of your writing, so in tune with the loving voices I feel in spiritual guidance. I look forward to hearing more about your exciting projects!
    with love and blessings,
