Friday, September 10, 2010

Make The Shift

As We Envision Our Future, So it Becomes.  

I am conducting a social experiment.  One that blurs the lines between art and reality.  

I seek to understand and answer the questions, 
"Does art create reality or does reality create art? - and what is reality anyway?"
I want to prove that millions of minds and hearts focused on a positive vision of the future, can indeed, create that future.  
I am working on getting a Website up and will be producing the first 5 episodes of a fictional web-based TV series titled, The Shift.  I am working with an amazingly talented production team, and we should be ready to record by spring of 2013.  

The Shift is about our future.  It is about how our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and emotions create our reality.  It is about the shift in consciousness our world is presently going through.  It explores what our lives look like when we resist that shift and what they can be when we allow it.  

Once The Shift Team has produced and broadcast the 5 episodes, and listeners have become familiar with the characters and the story, we will offer fans a chance to be part of our experiment.  People will be able to write an episode, contribute music or a song, or contribute a piece of animation that, if selected, will be produced and broadcast.  

We will also be doing 10 live shows (5 on each coast in the Northwest and Northeast) made up of select songs and music from the show.  These live shows will also serve to gather support for the Web TV series and will also bring together musicians and sound healers to record  more music for both the radio and film versions.  

If you want to be part of this exciting project - email me at
Thank you and Blessings.

Samara G. Shaw
Shift Productions, LLC
Orcas Island, WA

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