Back On Orcas
Birthed into the New
Yet Still Feeling The Pull of the Old
Saturday, August 17, 2013
I go back and fourth - feeling the total freedom and the bliss of my true being, and then connecting with people who it seems, have chosen to remain in suffering. I feel a strong pull to get right in there and suffer with them to support them, identify with their pain, get caught up in their story, etc.
I might try telling them how great I’ve been feeling and that if they'd just let go of their story, etc... they'd feel this great too, but this seems to cause even more pain- especially if they're in the middle of something and can't see their way out.
Just being present with people, a witness to their humanness, not judging, not resisting, not trying to change them, just being present with what they are going through, seems to be enough.
I choose live in a new world of my own making, and to live a positive, uplifting, loving, heroic story where humans know who they really are, live who they really are, and make conscious, moment to moment choices to live in acceptance of, and peace with, their perfectly imperfect, divine/human natures.
I accept and love my human nature in each moment, however, knowing I am a Divine Being, I choose to surrender, to that Divine Flow.
We are parts of God/Goddess - capable of all that God/Goddess is, but we are not to become God's Goddess for each other. We are to remain as fully in our Divine Essence as possible in each moment, perhaps allowing others to use us as a beacon, a direction to go in, but we do not serve anyone by allowing others to pull us into dark, emotional places where we do not belong.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm so done with that - I choose to play another game, chose to live another way.
Now, it seems, more than ever, I have to be vigilant in my moment to moment surrender to that choice, especially when people around me don't completely understand my path.
From now on, I will dare allow my mind to rest in the oneness of my true being, no matter what is happening around me - no matter who might be judging, fearing, or misunderstanding me.
I am safe in that surrender- no matter what.
I surrender to my peaceful nature - no matter what.
I honor the choices of others to continue in the struggle, who feel they must fight for what is right - who might feel they are following the warriors path, fighting against injustice, or for justice, or struggling for whatever it is they feel they are here to manifest and create.
I honor others who still live in those realities - for that is their truth. I have simply chosen another reality. Perhaps you could call it the way of the peaceful warrior, although more and more, words that imply any kind of struggle or fight, do not fit the sweet surrender that I am feeling and experiencing these days. And so it is.
When I find the right words I'll share them - Bliss is the only word that fits right now.
Blessings to all who read this.
Samy G.
Ashland, OR May 16th
Arrived last night. Jackson Wellsprings. Love is certainly flowing here. Some difficulty in the pool with a man who would not stop staring. What do you do in this case? I stared back and he did not look away so I told him it was rude to stare like that. Very rude. He didn’t seem too phased by my comment. I chanted in the steam room with some people I couldn’t see, but who I certainly felt. Hoping to do more.
Didn’t sleep well last night - Robert, my traveling companion was snoring. I need my own space desperately, but my tent did not get set up since we need to fix it first. Now it’s raining and I will need to let it dry out as I left it lying out in the rain, and I fear another sleepless night tonight if the sun does not come out.
Oh, what to do!~ Love always.
So, the staring old man brought my fears to the surface also my rage. I imagined myself kicking his head in violently. I guess I’m a little angry still.
May 18th
On to LA!
I love Los Angeles - so many grown people playing dress up!
Just came from Bethel Christian School - (Just South of Mount Shasta) where we attended a play, a healing service and generally basked in bliss for a couple of days. The Christians there are quite evolved and, in typical California Hippie fashion, put on a beautiful “show” - only these weren’t hippies - they were as “normal” as they come. The only difference was that they were unafraid to let Spirit have its way with them.
Unselfconscious and free, they knew how to rest and play in their beautiful, authentic Selves.
During the Saturday healing service, there were people dancing with silks, art making, music, healing - people speaking in toungs, laughing, getting, “slain” in the spirit, doing hands on healing. It was like a mini Woodstock - people were in their precious innocence - their child-like spirit. It was like a glimpse of what the celebrations of the future might look like.
Unless you become as a little child.....
May 27, 2013 - Early am
Back at my Uncle’s house in Mesa, Arizona.
Sun has just welcomed me to the warmth.
Bird overhead sings me into perfect peace.
These keys are my only link to this world - transported transported transported I am love love love I am peace peace peace I am.
Justified always does ego lie in wait - justified always does ego snare its bate. Justified always in its little mind space of closed heart, fearful body.
Justified in all sorts of meanness and nasty, divisive talk.
As love takes its place on the throne of the heart, ego says "Wait! That throne was meant for me! How dare you sit there!" It tries its darndest to push love off, but love just smiles.
Angels in waiting gently pull ego away, and love watches as they soothe ego, reminding it that love is in command now. Ego sheds the little servant nasties it’s picked up along the way, and with the help of the angels, surrenders to the reign of love.
In this king/queendom, love is the only thing that matters. In this light-body- loving village, mind is also tamed, and serves only that which is good, harmonizing, energizing, and true.
Do not judge others, as your judgement only serves to condemn. Allow only light and love into your space, and it will always be a space of peace.
Break the bonds of demanding ego, within yourself, and then you will not need be around others who are stuck there. Thank those around you now, for showing you the foibles of your ego, and move on.
Break those bonds now. You will be meeting this again and again in your next leg of this journey. Be prepared, not to engage, but to simply be with them unconditionally loving them, no matter what they throw at you.
And life is not meant to be a battle - ever. You are meant to find the doors open wide for whatever it is you are choosing in each moment.
Amen and so be it.
Amma has adopted me as her own, and I am free.
So much energy coming through me these days. I am trusting totally in the Divine Order, and it is unbelievably rich with perfections, joy, and unexpected delight.
Was at a gas station yesterday asking for directions, which I do a lot of these days - navigating around LA. A beautiful dark skinned man passed by, thanked me for my smile, and asked for some $ for him and his brother to get some MacDonalds - they needed four dollars - anything I could give would be much appreciated.
I had a 1$ coin left from an abundance ceremony I did a while back and gave it to him, telling him it was no ordinary coin - that it had been blessed. He was welcome to spend it, but it was special. I put it into his hand and we held hands while I blessed him and the journey the coin would take from then on.
He was touched, I was touched, and we sat there basking in our blessing of each other.
He said, "People used to help each other. We used to care. Now, everyone's just out for themselves, and doesn't have time to help." I reminded him that we've just forgotten and been conditioned to believe we were separate. I said, we can get back there, and these moments - the simple moments between people are the things that will get us back. I loved him so much. I didn't know him, but I loved him as if he was my own family.
We parted, and I saw him again as I was driving out - we hugged through the car door and both of us cried and thanked each other for the deep love we were both feeling.
This is it folks. It's the little things - the moments when we notice we love each other so deeply that we cannot help but fall into bliss, grace, and want to give what we can to help each other.
Love is all There Is - Sometime in July, 2013
In LA. Just got done spending some time with Ammachi. Now I have three mothers. My bio, Mamma Earth, and Mamma Amma.
Amma has adopted me as her own, and I am free.
So much energy coming through me these days. I am trusting totally in the Divine Order, and it is unbelievably rich with perfections, joy, and unexpected delight.
Was at a gas station yesterday asking for directions, which I do a lot of these days - navigating around LA. A beautiful dark skinned man passed by, thanked me for my smile, and asked for some $ for him and his brother to get some MacDonalds - they needed four dollars - anything I could give would be much appreciated.
I had a 1$ coin left from an abundance ceremony I did a while back and gave it to him, telling him it was no ordinary coin - that it had been blessed. He was welcome to spend it, but it was special. I put it into his hand and we held hands while I blessed him and the journey the coin would take from then on.
He was touched, I was touched, and we sat there basking in our blessing of each other.
He said, "People used to help each other. We used to care. Now, everyone's just out for themselves, and doesn't have time to help." I reminded him that we've just forgotten and been conditioned to believe we were separate. I said, we can get back there, and these moments - the simple moments between people are the things that will get us back. I loved him so much. I didn't know him, but I loved him as if he was my own family.
We parted, and I saw him again as I was driving out - we hugged through the car door and both of us cried and thanked each other for the deep love we were both feeling.
This is it folks. It's the little things - the moments when we notice we love each other so deeply that we cannot help but fall into bliss, grace, and want to give what we can to help each other.
Samy G.
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