Those who are for Peace and Understanding, SHALL indeed inherit the Earth. All others will keep fighting until they realize that opposition and fight, are born of fear, and fear can only take you so far. You have three choices, you can fight, flight, or deny. Soon, many more humans will see that adherence any of these, only leads to more of the same.
If you truly desire peace, love, understanding, harmony, and a restoration of balance back to the Earth, Her Waters, and all the Elements, then you will cease to do these three things - fight, flight or deny. This means, you will dare to face yourselves in ways you may not be as comfortable with. You must face, "The Spirit of War" from within you, among you, and in all your institutions and systems.
Yes, in order to clear that, Spirit of War from among you, from your cells, your waters, you must be willing to face it. What does this mean to you? How will you face that Fearful Spirit in yourself? How will you see that by always pointing fingers, you neglect to see that how you are thinking, acting and feeling, is perpetuating war, separation and hardship for so many, including my water people in the Sea.
If you constantly see the other as enemy, then you are in fight mode. If you are constantly trying to run away from conflict out of fear, you are in flight mode. If you stay in la la land, pretending nothing is wrong, then you are in denial. Perhaps denial works for you, to help you stay in bliss, and make you feel good, and it is certainly effective when it comes to individual healing. By not allowing a fear-based thought into your reality, you can effectively create love, peace, harmony bliss in your bodies - it does work on this level, because it is your body, and you can choose whatever you wish as a sovern body, mind, and spirit.
The reason this technique is not as effective with the Body of the collective, is because many are working with various realities. This, then leads to conflict among you because everyone believes themselves to have the ultimate truth, and humans tend to fight each other to have their ultimate truth be recognized- over all the others. This is still war mentality, and will continue to lead you into fight and conflict until you let go of it.
So, how do you work with each other peacefully, with all those differing ideologies and beliefs?
Here's how: You notice, as the Bible teaches, (yes, I do know and understand the Bible! - I am a multidimensional being - I know and understand so much more than you know.)
You notice, as all great wisdom keepers, all great works of literature- holy books teach, that we can gage a person, belief, religion, spiritual ideology, by its fruits. Does who they are and what they say, ultimately lead to more love, peace freedom, harmony, unity on Earth? Do the final results of their teachings lead others to love, respect, honor each other, their Higher Power, and their Mother Earth? What are the fruits of their teachings, their lives?
Do they claim to understand the Original Instructions, Principals of Peace, and Nature's Laws, but do not show love, compassion, understanding, and peace towards others? if not, then they still see themselves as separate from all Life. And when we separate ourselves from each other, our Mother, Earth, and our Higher Power, we experience fear. And the fruits of fear, can only lead to doubt and confusion. And the fruits of that, can only lead to more separation - in an endless loop that can only be exited from when we/you/ stay in Love, peace, joy, harmony at all times.
This takes vigilance. And my people, who the Lummi of the Pacific Northwest, call, que 'lhol mechen or Quel lhol mech ten, The Water People, - (Orca or Killer Whales) we are dying because this "Spirit of War" has effected our home. As are many species on earth.
Humans have allowed this Spirit of War to infect everything they think, say and do. Humans allow this Spirit to convince them that scarcity is the norm on earth, that there is not enough, and that they must fight for what little there is. Nothing could be further from the truth.
And yet, what humans think, feel, speak- is what you manifest. Physical reality is simply the effect of your relationships - whether positive or not. Do you relate to each other and the Earth as controllers - feeling the need to repress, suppress, and keep each other and the elements under control, for fear of chaos? Hearin lies your confusion.
And with confusion comes separation.
What if I told you, you could have direct knowing of what is good, right, and true at all times? What if I told you you always know what is good right and true for every situation - that you were born with that knowing? Samara, the one who is co-creating this message with me, knows this to be true. She remembers when she was small - when the light came to her at 4 years old, in her back yard garden, assuring her that the light was in all things, in her, in the grass, in the trees, in the spring daffodils....
That all she needed to do, at any time, is to remember that light, and she would know peace, love and joy at all times.
In those moments, she knew, that without a doubt, who she was and why she was here. She was here to share that light and love with everyone - to help them remember their own experiences as little children, so that she and millions of others around the globe can, "become as little children" innocent once again - connecting with ease and grace, as children who are not taught to fear each other, do so easily.
Unfortunately, she did as many children do, she hid that experience from her parents, and from all those who might not understand, and who might ruin her special relationship with that light and love - as revealed to her at age 4 through nature. Every child has these experiences, and every child represses and suppresses them out of fear of being misunderstood.
Now, we say to you, it is time to truly, "become as little children" once again. To not be afraid to share these experiences with each other on a daily basis - to love freely, deeply and with abandon, to realize that there is more than enough for everyone, and that that Spirit of War among you can be tamed. It will be up to each of you to tame it in your own hearts first. To not allow it to rise up when you feel fear or threatened.
This is the greatest challenge to humans. To remain calm and peaceful even in the face of the threat of annihilation . What do you do? What we, as a species are choosing to do, is to leave the planet. Now, it may not seem like a great choice to you, since you will miss us, since you take great pleasure in being part of our family. But this is not about you.
This is not about your pleasure - what makes you feel good or not. It is about the fact that what you are doing, by allowing these negative energies to rule your consciousness, is essentially allowing a part of yourself to die.
We, the resident Orca in the Salish Sea, represent a species in the animal kingdom that is very close to yours. We share the same neurons, called Spindle Neurons - those responsible for emotion, compassion, love and empathy. Those neurons have atrophied in you, through lack of use, over hundreds of years of false teachings and fear-based lies designed to keep you dumbed down and in control.
It is not too late though. You can re-kindle the spindal! This is why I began this message with do not despair! It is possible to bring us whales back by doing everything in your powers to e-awaken those neurons in your bodies, to re-connect with the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms through communications such as these - through those who are sensitive enough to hear and trasnlate our languages.
It is these beautiful gifts that you MUST keep alive in your children. Believe them when they tell you they see fairies, and other unseen creatures - trust them when they confide in you of their journeys, their "other life" which is magical, wondrous and the way that adults can function as well on a daily basis. That is all for now, it is a long message, and I will share more through Samara Shaw in the coming days. She does not want me to share this, but she is writing a book into which these messages will be placed.
She is still as she was, that shy little girl, who still has some fear when it comes to sharing her deepest most vulnerable heart with the world. I tell her, that the world needs her gifts, as well as all those who also have similar gifts, who dare to share the unique gifts of healing, communication, and deep understanding - led by of love, compassion, joy, and peace. Thank you for reading this. See us as whole, healed, safe and coming back into balance, love and peace, see the waters everywhere as such, and you will make it so."
Thank you Granny. I'm glad you can help with PR about my book, as I am shy to toot my own horn. Yes, as we become, "As little children" once again, totally unselfconscious to the harsh judgement of others, being pure in our relationships to each other, the Earth, and our higher power - light, love, The Creator - however we call it - Source Energy. We then return to our True Selves - where we are whole, balanced, loving and peaceful. And as we return to that state, so shall the elements in our bodies respond as well as the element in the earth. Thank you thank you thank you Granny, for your continued wisdom and guidance.
I love you and I love deeply all beings - as you have taught me to do and as I see is the answer.
Aho, Amen, and Oooweehoo! - Thanking you into infinity!
It's not too late! THE TIME IS NOW- THE SHIFT IS NOW!
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