The seeds of The Shift were sown while I was working with a networking group I founded in Massachusetts 17 years ago in Gloucester, MA. One day, I received a message from my guides to pray for the people on the North Shore of Boston.
For two years, as I drove to and from work, and wherever I went, up and down the East Coast, I prayed for peace, love, joy, and happiness for everyone. Then I got the message to start a group called, “The Healing Arts Network”, which I did.
For a whole year, not much happened... I'd put out fliers, send out emails to everyone I knew... Two people would show up to a gathering... and maybe a few more than that, to a potluck... I was about to give up when....
Sept. 11th happened and it brought us together like nothing else had. That event triggered us to join together, to support each other. It was then we all realized it was time to get on with the important work we came to do.
The Healing Arts Network went on to produce regular events, offering healers and visionary artists networking and marketing opportunities. We produced a "Community Consciousness Carnival”, where we offered free healing and energy work, music, dance and theater performances and workshops, community building activities, combining spiritual practices and art.
The Network also hosted smaller community building/creative/healing events as well. Some of these included "Sound Healing Circles". In these sound circles, we would chant, play instruments, sing and dance as the Spirit moved us.
Our playing and singing would often reach such profound levels of unity and oneness, that we'd find ourselves singing songs that none of us knew, but which seemed to emerge as whole songs, complete with melodies, harmonies, lyrics and all.
It was such a sweet expression of surrender to Spirit - like a group practice- teaching us how to stay open to the Oneness and to the energies, songs, dances, and vibrations that needed to come through.
Our playing and singing would often reach such profound levels of unity and oneness, that we'd find ourselves singing songs that none of us knew, but which seemed to emerge as whole songs, complete with melodies, harmonies, lyrics and all.
It was such a sweet expression of surrender to Spirit - like a group practice- teaching us how to stay open to the Oneness and to the energies, songs, dances, and vibrations that needed to come through.
The Birth of "The Shift" and The Global Medicine Wheel Peace Project and Documentary - :
“Grandma, what was it like before The Shift?” Granddaughter, Marta wants to hear the whole story, and can’t believe that people actually lived the way we do now.
“Didn’t they care about each other?” she asks.
"They did." Grandma replies. "They just forgot who they were... and they were interfered with."
"That's so sad." says Marta.
As I began to develop the story, script, and songs for the musical version of The Shift, I also envisioned a documentary that would serve as a companion to the story - one that delivered a similar message of surrender to a positive vision of ourselves and our world.
Bavado and I are now doing ceremonies and talks about the medicine wheel and how energy works from a scientific perspective, all over the West Coast. We are gathering the teams who will work on permanent solutions to all the issues facing the earth.
I am focusing on specifically gathering the Sound Healers who can help with this most important work and working with a group in Eugene, OR to develop the musical version of "The Shift".
I am focusing on specifically gathering the Sound Healers who can help with this most important work and working with a group in Eugene, OR to develop the musical version of "The Shift".
I am so excited to be moving forward with these projects, and I can't wait to see who shows up to play with me! I've seen the miraculous things that can happen when a group of people dare to step into, and express their Oneness, and I can't wait to see this happening on a wider and wider scale.
The truth is, we are always in that space - there really is only one of us. And when we realize how simple it is to surrender to That, and how good it feels, we will choose to remain in that surrendered place more and more.
The truth is, we are always in that space - there really is only one of us. And when we realize how simple it is to surrender to That, and how good it feels, we will choose to remain in that surrendered place more and more.
And when all people - at all stages of life, children, adults and elders, are encouraged to surrender to who they really are in each moment, and each of us consciously supports the other to discover and to share their gifts from that surrendered place, powerful healing and transformational energies of the divine spirit are unleashed. And the new earth, the one we came here to manifest, is formed before our eyes, in our homes, our communities, and in our world.
So... surrender to what is wanting to come through you. If you're not sure what that is, sit down and ask, then take time to write what comes. Draw or paint what you see, sing and dance it out - play it on an instrument.
Then... if you feel so inspired... offer to give your gift to Help the Shift's Be More Gentle. However that might look for you. If you don't feel your gift is ready to share, then sit with it, develop it, seek further training to support your expression of it.
If you feel called to be part of the film or musical version of The Shift -or if you feel called to learn and work with the Medicine Wheel, or by donating your time and/or money to help with production costs, and/or our Global Medicine Wheel Peace Project, or wish to join our team to bring your gifts to the table, please contact me.
We are in a time of birthing, and birth can be quite painful, especially when we resist and fight the transformational energies that are wanting to come through us. Birth is also the most glorious time ever - full of so much love, light, joy, and peace, that we can hardly stand it.
What Now?
So, here I am again today, being guided to drive all over the West Coast, to pray for people and to offer individual and group sound healing sessions. I'm still connected with my two dear friends, Ben Sheppard and Dr. Michelle Foster, from the Healing Arts Network, who, inspired by our amazing group sound healing sessions, founded the New England Sound Research Institute, which later became, The Sound Healing Network.
Through our work with the medicine wheels, and through a live stage version of The Shift, we will bring the wisdom and understanding of the Medicine Wheel Teachings, to the real world, in a way that helps everyone get motivated and activated. We are creating a transmedia movement that will bring millions together to help heal the earth. In this way, we will help to usher in the new world with ease, grace, joy and love.
I hope you will be inspired to join us, to come to our events, to support us in the making of The Shift and it's companion Documentary about Bavado and the Power of the Medicine Wheel - including the unmistakable, scientific evidence behind the technology.
I encourage everyone reading this to surrender to your highest calling, whatever that means for you. See it, Speak it, and Manifest the greatest version of the grandest vision you've ever had of your life, your community, and our world. We have the power and so it is because we choose it.
Blessings, Blessings and more Blessings, of Abundance, Peace, Joy, and Love, as we Make The Shift into a Whole New World.
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