Monday, January 12, 2015


I have been on a spiritual journey for the past 2 1/2 years.   Been guided across the country, around the world, and traveled up and down the West Coast of the US many times.  I have surrendered to the Universal Self, and this is what it has me doing.  

At the beginning of my spiritual re-awakening as an adult - I say re-awakening because I remember being awake as a child- conversing with trees, seeing the light in all things, communicating with that light all the time, and knowing myself as only light and love - as I believe most children do.    

At the beginning of my spiritual re-awakening, I was fortunate enough to live with my then boyfriend's family, a beautiful, loving Haitian family, who were Christian's, but not the kind I knew from the US at all.   When told them I learned from the Bible, that their son and I were living in sin, since we were not married, they cracked up - with a loud and long laugh, at my expense.  

They told me not  to worry about all that stuff - just stay focused on God - that God loves me no matter what, and always wants the best for me. And my boyfriend's father was a minister even!  Yea!  It was love that mattered most.      

Later, I read in the Bible, how the disciples left to work with Jesus with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and I thought, this is what I want to do!  I want to have that much faith, that much trust in The Universe/God that I'm willing to do this!    

Well, here I am, 30 years later, in Santa Monica, CA, my RV broken down, typing away at a public library, knowing that all is perfect, trusting each moment, continuing the prayer and healing work I'm guided to do, and going forward with complete and total faith that there's a reason for everything.  

I feel that I am ready to settle down here in LA, but will also accept the Supreme Guidance of my Higher Self/Universal Forces, if this is not my path at this time.  

My mission is nothing less than total enlightenment for myself and the entire planet, and I continue to be willing to do whatever it takes to facilitate this in the most powerful way possible.  The message I keep getting, is that the more I can live in love, light, peace, acceptance, gratitude, and in the powerful presence that I Am, the greater impact I will have.  And I do this, most powerfully, by letting go of attachments to all that is not of love, light, peace, joy, and goodness.   

This means pretty much everything in our modern world!  

In my meditations and visions, I've had so many glimpses of the amazing New World that seems to be ushering itself in through us,    and I know that each and every one of these visions will happen in its own divine timing.   

Bless each and every one of us, as we continue to follow our hearts/ All That Is, wherever these may lead.  Love is really all there is.  Love, love and so much love!    

Let's all light workers, healers, shamans unite and heal this planet!  Let's do it now! It's what we came here to do!  You say, we're already doing it!  But are you having fun doing it together.  Are you giving it away -  For free!  You say you have to pay your rent - you have to survive? 

Ok -  all those with the resources to fund these light workers - make your spaces available!  Make your land available!  Give it away because it feels good to do that!  This is what I'm talking about - this level of surrender - because it's where we're going - we might as well practice now.   I can't wait for that moment when humanity wakes up to the Divine Energy that We Are.  And knows itself unmistakably as That.  

Until then, why wait?  Let's start now!  Express your Divine, loving, joyful, peaceful Nature without reservation!   Let it fly, and see what happens!  Ok, now I'm really done!   Love you.  Want to catch the sunset!